A Wrinkle In Time Chapter 4 Summary

Embark on a captivating journey with “A Wrinkle in Time Chapter 4 Summary,” where the Murry family’s extraordinary adventure unfolds, leading them to the enigmatic planet of Camazotz and an epic confrontation with the enigmatic IT.

Join Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin as they navigate the perils of the Tesseract, encounter the malevolent Black Thing, and witness the transformative power of love and resilience in the face of adversity.


In Chapter 4 of Madeleine L’Engle’s classic novel “A Wrinkle in Time,” the Murry family’s adventure continues as they face new challenges and encounter intriguing characters. The chapter introduces Mrs. Whatsit, a mysterious and eccentric woman who becomes a valuable ally to the Murrys.

Arrival of Mrs. Whatsit

Mrs. Whatsit arrives at the Murry household, bringing with her an aura of mystery and intrigue. She possesses the ability to communicate with animals and plants, and she reveals to the Murrys that they are destined for an extraordinary journey through time and space.

Meeting the Black Thing

The Murrys encounter a formidable foe known as the Black Thing, a malevolent force that threatens to consume all life. Mrs. Whatsit warns them of the Black Thing’s power and the importance of their mission to confront it.

The Black Thing

In Chapter 4 of A Wrinkle in Time, Meg and her family encounter a mysterious and menacing entity known as the Black Thing. This creature is described as a “cloud of darkness” with no definite shape or form. It possesses the ability to shift its appearance, sometimes resembling a formless mass and at other times taking on the shapes of objects or people.

Interactions with the Murry Family

The Black Thing exhibits a hostile and aggressive demeanor towards the Murrys. It attacks Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin, attempting to harm or even kill them. The creature also manipulates the environment, causing objects to move and disappear, and creating illusions to disorient and frighten the family.

Role in the Chapter’s Conflict

The Black Thing represents a major antagonist in the chapter. It serves as an obstacle that the Murrys must overcome in their quest to rescue Meg’s father. The creature’s relentless pursuit and its ability to alter reality pose a significant threat to the family’s safety and their mission.

The Tesseract

The Tesseract is a powerful, five-dimensional object that enables the Murry family to travel through time and space. It appears as a glass cube, pulsating with an ethereal glow, and its corners emit a soft, radiant light. The Tesseract defies the laws of physics, allowing its users to fold space and travel vast distances instantaneously.

Usage and Challenges

To use the Tesseract, the Murry family places their hands on its surface and focuses their thoughts on their destination. The Tesseract then envelops them in a swirling vortex of colors and energy, transporting them to their desired location. However, using the Tesseract is not without its challenges.

The journey through the Tesseract can be disorienting and nausea-inducing, and it requires a great deal of mental concentration to maintain control. Additionally, the Tesseract can malfunction, causing the travelers to become lost or stranded in different dimensions.


Camazotz is a planet characterized by a vast, arid landscape dominated by towering cliffs and deep canyons. The planet’s atmosphere is thin and dry, resulting in extreme temperature fluctuations between day and night.

Camazotzian society is highly structured and hierarchical, with a ruling elite known as the Central Intelligence, or C.I. for short. The C.I. maintains absolute control over all aspects of life on Camazotz, from the distribution of resources to the suppression of dissent.

Role of IT

IT, or Information Technology, plays a central role in Camazotzian society. The C.I. uses advanced surveillance systems to monitor and control the population, ensuring conformity and suppressing any potential threats to their authority.

Citizens of Camazotz are required to wear special glasses that display a constant stream of propaganda and information designed to shape their thoughts and behaviors. These glasses also serve as a means of tracking and monitoring individuals, allowing the C.I.

to maintain constant surveillance.

Meg’s Journey: A Wrinkle In Time Chapter 4 Summary

Meg’s experiences on Camazotz were transformative and challenging. She faced numerous obstacles, including the oppressive atmosphere, the lack of individuality, and the presence of the Black Thing. Despite these challenges, Meg’s determination and resilience shone through.

Struggles and Challenges, A wrinkle in time chapter 4 summary

  • Oppressive Atmosphere:Camazotz’s conformity and suppression of individuality stifled Meg’s spirit.
  • Lack of Privacy:Meg struggled with the constant surveillance and lack of privacy, which made her feel exposed and vulnerable.
  • The Black Thing:The presence of the Black Thing, a malevolent entity, constantly threatened Meg’s safety and well-being.

Growth and Development

  • Self-Discovery:Meg’s experiences forced her to confront her own strengths and weaknesses, leading to a deeper understanding of herself.
  • Resilience:Faced with adversity, Meg developed an unwavering resilience, enabling her to overcome obstacles and persevere.
  • Importance of Individuality:Meg’s journey taught her the value of individuality and the importance of fighting for what she believes in.

The Confrontation with IT

In the heart of Camazotz, the Murry family faces their greatest challenge: IT, the enigmatic and malevolent entity that rules the planet.

IT is a disembodied consciousness that manifests as a swirling darkness, capable of controlling minds and manipulating reality. Its motivations are unclear, but it seeks to maintain its absolute control over Camazotz and its inhabitants.

The Confrontation

As the Murry family navigates the treacherous landscape of Camazotz, they encounter IT’s relentless pursuit. Meg, guided by her intuition and newfound abilities, leads her family towards the Central Intelligence, the core of IT’s power.

In a climactic confrontation, Meg confronts IT directly. She realizes that IT’s weakness lies in its inability to understand love and compassion. With the help of her family and the lessons learned throughout their journey, Meg harnesses the power of love to challenge IT’s authority.


Through Meg’s unwavering determination and the strength of their familial bond, the Murry family emerges victorious from their encounter with IT. IT’s hold over Camazotz is broken, and the planet is freed from its oppressive rule.

The confrontation with IT leaves a profound impact on the characters. Meg’s courage and resilience inspire her family and empower her to embrace her true self. The Murry family emerges stronger than ever before, united by their love and unwavering support.

The Return

Having escaped the clutches of IT, the Murry family embarked on a perilous journey back to Earth. With the help of the Happy Medium and the Man with Red Eyes, they navigated the treacherous landscapes of Camazotz and the treacherous winds of the Black Thing.

The Escape from Camazotz

Their escape from Camazotz was a testament to their courage and determination. They utilized their knowledge of the planet’s geography and the weaknesses of the Central Intelligence to outsmart their captors. By using the Happy Medium’s ability to communicate with plants and animals, they were able to gather information and create diversions.

The Journey Back to Earth

Their journey back to Earth was filled with challenges. They faced fierce storms, encountered strange creatures, and had to navigate through the complexities of time and space. However, their bond as a family and their unwavering belief in each other kept them going.

Lessons Learned and Impact

Their adventure on Camazotz left an indelible mark on the Murry family. They learned the importance of love, courage, and perseverance. They also gained a deeper understanding of the power of the human spirit and the interconnectedness of all living things.

Clarifying Questions

What is the significance of the Black Thing in Chapter 4?

The Black Thing represents the embodiment of darkness and evil, seeking to consume and destroy all that is good.

How does the Tesseract function in the story?

The Tesseract is a device that enables interstellar travel by folding space and time, allowing the Murrys to traverse vast distances.

What is the nature of IT on Camazotz?

IT is an all-powerful, disembodied entity that controls and manipulates the minds of the planet’s inhabitants.